It’s not the artist that makes the art.
It’s the art that makes the artist.
The art tests us.
The art shapes us.
The art leads us.
We think we create the art–
but it’s the art that creates us.
This is what is important.
This is what we must learn.
This is what we must remember.
It’s the daily practice that matters.
It’s the devotion to the process and the willingness to
come humbly to the work knowing we may fail that day.
It’s the willingness to know that terrible failure and keep going anyway.
It’s just another day at the desk–or at the easel or in the studio.
We must be patient. Humble.
It’s all about the concentrated daily effort that leads to the finished
work of art. And total surrender to the mysterious alchemy that allows us
to spring forth newly made. Transformed.
Base Metal into Gold.