“You do not need to leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. Do not even listen, simply wait, be quiet, still and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked, it has no choice, it will roll in ecstasy at your feet” –FRANZ KAFKA
Here are my writing goals for the next five weeks.
Find time to sit down and work on my script every day.
a) find the stories and time frames of my characters.
b) discover how they relate to the overall structure of the first play in the trilogy SALLY LIVES HERE.
c) To resist distractions and stay focused on this play.
Finish the rough draft of the play by February 28th.
And resist perfectionism.
Just get it down on the page regardless of crap I hate or stuff that sucks.
Now this statement is written and published and promised hand on my heart–
here on the blogosphere with the idea of putting virtual pressure on myself–
to attend to these goals.
I have no writers agent or editor or producer breathing down my neck–
so my blog is my agent, my editor, my boss, etc.
I am writing this to help me keep the promise I have made to myself.
Why is it so easy and so compelling for me to honour commitments,
to others but so difficult to do the same for myself?
Why is it so easy to let myself down?
Why do I expect others to keep their commitments to me
But I let myself off the hook so easily?
This is my over all goal for 2012.
Keeping promises I make to myself.
Day one is Monday.
Today I am clearing my space and cleaning my house chasing away the clutter both physical and emotional.
If you would like to help me with all of this please send me your comments and encouraging words.
If you are working on something and have goals you are welcome to join in the conversation here.